Hitachi Vantara HQT-6761 Certification Exam Sample Questions and Answers

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The best approach to pass your Hitachi Vantara HQT-6761 exam is to challenge and improve your knowledge. To test your learning and identify improvement areas with actual exam format, we suggest you practice with Premium Hitachi Vantara HQT-6761 Certification Practice Exam. The practice test is one of the most important elements of your Hitachi Vantara Ops Center Automation Professional exam study strategy to discover your strengths and weaknesses, to improve your time management skills and to get an idea of the score you can expect.

Hitachi Vantara HQT-6761 (Ops Center Automation) Sample Questions:

01. For scripting purposes, how can Automator CLI commands be combined to automate a sequence of tasks?
a) Through the use of batch files or shell scripts
b) By using social media APIs
c) Commands cannot be combined; each must be run individually
d) By manually entering each command sequentially
02. Which tab in the Automator GUI provides an overview of system health and workflow statuses?
a) Reports
b) Workflows
c) Dashboard
d) Administration
03. Smart Provisioning in Hitachi Ops Center Automator supports which types of environments?
(Choose two)
a) Exclusively cloud storage environments
b) Both physical and virtual storage environments
c) Only virtualized environments
d) Mixed storage environments
04. Executing a service in Hitachi Ops Center Automator typically involves which of the following steps?
a) Manual data entry for each execution instance
b) Sending a physical request form to Hitachi Vantara
c) Selecting the service from the dashboard and choosing 'Execute'
d) Posting a request on social media for the service to start
05. Which CLI command in Hitachi Ops Center Automator is used to delete a task?
a) erase-task --id <taskID>
b) delete-task --id <taskID>
c) task-delete --task-id <taskID>
d) remove-task --id <taskID>
06. The optimization feature of Smart Provisioning primarily targets which aspect of storage management?
a) Ensuring data is stored in aesthetically pleasing formats
b) Simplifying user access controls
c) Minimizing energy consumption of storage devices
d) Reducing wasted storage capacity
07. What feature does the Service Builder provide for ensuring that services can adapt to different environments or scenarios?
a) Dynamic parameters that can be adjusted at runtime
b) A fixed set of environmental variables that cannot be modified
c) The requirement to rewrite the service for each new scenario
d) Use of a single, unmodifiable script for all scenarios
08. Which feature(s) does the Automator REST API provide for managing storage solutions?
(Choose two)
a) Automated posting to social media platforms
b) Querying the status of storage devices
c) Executing storage provisioning workflows
d) Manual adjustment of physical storage devices
09. To update an existing workflow using the Automator CLI, which command is appropriate?
a) workflow-modify --id <workflowID>
b) workflow-update --id <workflowID>
c) update-workflow --id <workflowID>
d) modify-workflow --workflow-id <workflowID>
10. Advanced use of the Service Builder in automation tasks allows IT administrators to:
a) Reduce their reliance on manual processes for storage management
b) Focus solely on the aesthetic aspects of data management
c) Increase manual data entry requirements
d) Delegate tasks to non-IT personnel without training


Question: 01

Answer: a

Question: 02

Answer: c

Question: 03

Answer: b, d

Question: 04

Answer: c

Question: 05

Answer: b

Question: 06

Answer: d

Question: 07

Answer: a

Question: 08

Answer: b, c

Question: 09

Answer: c

Question: 10

Answer: a

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