Avaya 60370T Certification Exam Sample Questions and Answers

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The best approach to pass your Avaya 60370T exam is to challenge and improve your knowledge. To test your learning and identify improvement areas with actual exam format, we suggest you practice with Premium Avaya 60370T Certification Practice Exam. The practice test is one of the most important elements of your Avaya Administering AXP Public Cloud - Preview Dialing Specialized exam study strategy to discover your strengths and weaknesses, to improve your time management skills and to get an idea of the score you can expect.

Avaya 60370T (Administering AXP Public Cloud - Preview Dialing Specialized) Sample Questions:

01. Which features should be considered when customizing campaign strategies to enhance customer interaction?
(Select three)
a) Behavioral triggers based on customer actions
b) Time-of-day adjustments for campaign messages
c) Automated response handling for FAQs
d) Personalized content delivery based on past purchases
02. How does integrating custom campaign strategies with existing CRM systems benefit outreach efforts?
a) Enables automated data entry
b) Enhances the targeting accuracy
c) Reduces the need for manual interventions
d) Increases the speed of campaign execution
03. In advanced configuration, what is the role of managing filters related to customer demographics?
a) To simplify reporting on customer interactions
b) To collect demographic data for regulatory purposes
c) To tailor interactions to meet specific demographic needs
d) To ensure all customers receive the same experience
04. What are the key elements to focus on when administering holiday schedules in campaign management?
(Select two)
a) Assessing the impact on campaign coverage
b) Aligning with peak industry periods
c) Maintaining minimal operational staffing
d) Coordinating with marketing events
05. How frequently should contact lists and DNC lists be updated to maintain campaign effectiveness?
a) Weekly
b) Monthly
c) Quarterly
d) Annually
06. Which functionality within Proactive Outreach allows for the customization of how campaigns handle different customer responses?
a) Rules Editor
b) Contact List management
c) File Splitter
d) Campaign Wizard
07. What enables proactive outreach campaigns to automatically adjust their strategies based on customer interaction?
a) Customer surveys
b) Agent feedback
c) Pre-defined rules
d) Real-time analytics
08. How does customizing campaign strategies impact campaign outcomes?
a) Increases customer engagement
b) Reduces the complexity of campaigns
c) Limits the scalability of campaigns
d) Decreases the need for agent intervention
09. Which aspect of Proactive Outreach involves configuring how contact information is presented to agents during calls?
a) Contact List creation
b) Agent Script management
c)Campaign scheduling
d) DNC List integration
10. In Proactive Outreach, which tool is used to manage and analyze the effectiveness of contact lists?
a) List Efficiency Tool
b) Data Management Tool
c) Contact Analyzer
d) Campaign Monitor


Question: 01

Answer: a, b, d

Question: 02

Answer: b

Question: 03

Answer: c

Question: 04

Answer: a, d

Question: 05

Answer: b

Question: 06

Answer: a

Question: 07

Answer: d

Question: 08

Answer: a

Question: 09

Answer: b

Question: 10

Answer: c

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