Avaya 71402X Certification Exam Sample Questions and Answers

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The best approach to pass your Avaya 71402X exam is to challenge and improve your knowledge. To test your learning and identify improvement areas with actual exam format, we suggest you practice with Premium Avaya 71402X Certification Practice Exam. The practice test is one of the most important elements of your Avaya Meetings Server Implement exam study strategy to discover your strengths and weaknesses, to improve your time management skills and to get an idea of the score you can expect.

Avaya 71402X (Meetings Server Implement) Sample Questions:

01. What are the benefits of the Avaya Meetings Recording Gateway?
a) Increased meeting participant capacity
b) Seamless recording of all meeting activities
c) Simplified user authentication
d) Real-time analytics and reporting
02. Why is the deployment process of Avaya Meetings Recording Gateway considered strategic for integration?
a) It simplifies the configuration with existing network infrastructure
b) It requires minimal IT support
c) It does not support secure communication protocols
d) It provides basic functionality without customization
03. During the deployment of AADS, which of the following is crucial for OpenLDAP configuration?
a) Establishing a secure VPN connection
b) Synchronizing with Avaya Aura® Core components
c) Configuring dynamic user profiles for Windows
d) Setting up a firewall for protection
04. In configuring ASBCE, what considerations should be made for deploying the Reverse Proxy for Avaya Meetings Server?
a) Implementing it without any connection limits
b) Prioritizing security and performance in its setup
c) Ensuring it is accessible from all network zones without restrictions
d) Only enabling basic HTTP functionalities
05. What does effective deployment of Avaya Meetings Media Servers ensure within the Avaya Meetings Server framework?
a) Decreased overall system security
b) Basic interface operations
c) Limited media handling capabilities
d) Enhanced media processing and distribution
06. In what way does the Avaya Meetings Media Server integrate with the overall Avaya Meetings Server solution?
a) Through enhancing media streaming and recording
b) By providing backend support only
c) By focusing solely on external communications
d) Reducing overall system efficiency
07. Which of the following best describes the deployment of Avaya Meetings Streaming and Recording?
a) Installation on standalone servers with manual data synchronization
b) Integration with Avaya Aura® Core components for seamless functionality
c) Deployment on mobile devices only
d) Requires no specific network configuration
08. How do Avaya Meetings Streaming and Recording technologies impact organizational communication during large-scale virtual events?
(Choose Three)
a) They reduce the reliability on live participation
b) They allow for interactive sessions with large audiences
c) They provide options for immediate feedback and engagement
d) They necessitate extensive IT support for each event
09. Why does the deployment flexibility of Avaya Meetings Streaming and Recording appeal to IT administrators?
a) It only functions in a closed network
b) It does not support remote configuration
c) It offers cloud, on-premises, and hybrid solutions
d) It requires dedicated hardware for each installation
10. Which aspect of Avaya Meetings Streaming is most crucial for ensuring a high-quality viewer experience?
a) High scalability in viewer numbers
b) Low resolution streaming options
c) Compatibility with older video formats
d) Basic interface design


Question: 01

Answer: b

Question: 02

Answer: a

Question: 03

Answer: c

Question: 04

Answer: b

Question: 05

Answer: d

Question: 06

Answer: a

Question: 07

Answer: b

Question: 08

Answer: a, b, c

Question: 09

Answer: c

Question: 10

Answer: a

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