IT Certification Guides

Juniper Networks Certification - An Overview And Career Guide

Maintaining your IT certifications shows your employer and customers you are a serious IT professional. If you're looking for a new networking career opportunity or if you work for a company that utilizes Juniper Network products and services, participating in the Juniper Networks Certification Program is a definite career-enhancing move. 

Improve your IT Potential with Juniper Certification

Juniper offers a wide range of certification options. you can achieve certification in the fields of routing, switching and security at the following levels: Juniper Networks Certified Internet Associate (JNCIA), Specialist (JNCIS), Professional (JNCIP) and Expert (JNCIE). All theses Certifications, planning to work on a future deployment, or simply expanding your skills; our site NWExam have the real-world networking experience to guide you to your professional goals.

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