A great way to start the Cisco Channel Partner Unified Contact Center (UCCXD) preparation is to begin by properly appreciating the role that syllabus and study guide play in the Cisco 500-052 certification exam. This study guide is an instrument to get you on the same page with Cisco and understand the nature of the Cisco Deploying Unified Contact Center Express exam.
Our team of experts has composed this Cisco 500-052 exam preparation guide to provide the overview about Deploying Cisco Unified Contact Center Express exam, study material, sample questions, practice exam and ways to interpret the exam objectives to help you assess your readiness for the Cisco UCCXD exam by identifying prerequisite areas of knowledge. We recommend you to refer the simulation questions and practice test listed in this guide to determine what type of questions will be asked and the level of difficulty that could be tested in the Cisco Deploying Unified Contact Center Express certification exam.
Cisco 500-052 Exam Overview:
Exam Name
Deploying Cisco Unified Contact Center Express |
Exam Number | 500-052 UCCXD |
Exam Price | $300 USD |
Duration | 60 minutes |
Number of Questions | 45-55 |
Passing Score | Variable (750-850 / 1000 Approx.) |
Recommended Training | Deploying Cisco Unified Contact Center Express (UCCXD) v6.0 |
Exam Registration | PEARSON VUE |
Sample Questions | Cisco 500-052 Sample Questions |
Practice Exam | Cisco Channel Partner Unified Contact Center Practice Test |
Cisco 500-052 Exam Topics:
Section | Weight | Objectives |
Design a Unified Contact Center Express System Deployment | 32% |
- Perform customer capacity planning - Determine customer required features - Evaluate and recommend different configuration option - Identify available configuration and ordering tools |
Implement a Unified Contact Center Express System | 40% |
- Describe the process for installing Unified Contact Center Express software and hardware - Describe the process to configure Unified Contact Center Express software and provision the users to meet customer requirements - Describe the process of using the Unified Contact Center Express Application Editor - Examine the Cisco Business Edition 6000 competitive landscape |
Operate a Unified Contact Center Express System | 28% |
- Identify basic Unified Contact Center Express user tasks
- Identify process and tools available for troubleshooting Unified Contact Center Express - Identify process and tools available for monitoring system operations in Unified Contact Center Express - Identify process and tools available for patching, upgrading systems, and license additions for Unified Contact Center Express |
Cisco UCCXD Exam Description:
The Deploying Cisco Unified Contact Center Express (500-052) exam is a 60 -minute exam with 45 - 55 questions. This exam tests a candidate's knowledge of the design, implementation, and operation of Cisco Contact Center Express version 11.0 deployments. Candidates can prepare for this exam by taking the Deploying Cisco Unified Contact Center Express (UCCXD) version 6.0 course, which is based on the UCCX version 11.0 release.