A great way to start the CWNP Certified Python Network Administrator and Engineer (CPNAE) preparation is to begin by properly appreciating the role that syllabus and study guide play in the CWNP CPNAE-101 certification exam. This study guide is an instrument to get you on the same page with CWNP and understand the nature of the CWNP Python Network Administrator and Engineer exam.
Our team of experts has composed this CWNP CPNAE-101 exam preparation guide to provide the overview about CWNP Python Network Administrator and Engineer exam, study material, sample questions, practice exam and ways to interpret the exam objectives to help you assess your readiness for the CWNP CPNAE exam by identifying prerequisite areas of knowledge. We recommend you to refer the simulation questions and practice test listed in this guide to determine what type of questions will be asked and the level of difficulty that could be tested in the CWNP Python Network Administrator and Engineer certification exam.
CWNP CPNAE-101 Exam Overview:
Exam Name
Python Network Administrator and Engineer |
Exam Number | CPNAE-101 CPNAE |
Exam Price | $399 USD |
Duration | 100 minutes |
Number of Questions | 40 |
Passing Score | 70% |
Exam Registration | Prometric |
Sample Questions | CWNP CPNAE-101 Sample Questions |
Practice Exam | CWNP Certified Python Network Administrator and Engineer Practice Test |
CWNP CPNAE-101 Exam Topics:
Section | Weight | Objectives |
Requirements and Systems Engineering |
- Describe requirements engineering based on IEEE 29148-2018
- Describe systems concepts related to network engineering - Describe DevOps and systems development models |
Python Programming Fundamentals | 40% |
- Plan and implement the use of data types
- Plan and implement the use of logical constructions
- Plan and implement the use of looping constructions
- Plan and implement access to files for read and write operations
- Plan and implement the use of built-in functions - Plan and implement the use of custom functions - Select and implement Python libraries and modules
Network Device Management | 25% |
- Networking libraries and tools
- Application libraries and tools
- Network Management Protocols
- Data Structures and Formats
Network Monitoring and Analysis | 15% |
- Monitor network traffic using the scapy library
- Process PCAP files for network analysis
- Gather performance metrics related to networking devices and system
- Validate network security configuration based on policies
CWNP CPNAE Exam Description:
The CPNAE is Python Programming Fundamentalsa low-stakes certification, meaning that the certification exam is taken in the web browser within our LMS (learning management system). There are time constraints on the exam, which limits the ability to locate information during the exam and ensure exam credibility. The exam consists of 40 questions and, given that several questions will include example code on which the question is based, you are given 100 minutes to take the exam. A score of 70% or greater is a passing score and earns you the CPNAE certification.