Fortinet FCP_WCS_AD-7.4 Certification Exam Sample Questions and Answers

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The best approach to pass your Fortinet FCP_WCS_AD-7.4 exam is to challenge and improve your knowledge. To test your learning and identify improvement areas with actual exam format, we suggest you practice with Premium Fortinet FCP_WCS_AD-7.4 Certification Practice Exam. The practice test is one of the most important elements of your Fortinet FCP - AWS Cloud Security 7.4 Administrator exam study strategy to discover your strengths and weaknesses, to improve your time management skills and to get an idea of the score you can expect.

Fortinet FCP_WCS_AD-7.4 (AWS Cloud Security Administrator) Sample Questions:

01. Which two statements about gateway load balancer (GWLB) are correct?
(Choose two.)
a) It routes traffic only to healthy appliances.
b) It is best suited for load balancing HTTP traffic.
c) It operates only at the OSI application layer.
d) It combines the network gateway and load balancer.
02. A customer needs to use the FortiGate automation stitch feature to quarantine a compromised host. Which Amazon service can the customer combine with the FortiGate automation stitch feature to achieve this result?
a) Amazon route 53
b) AWS DynamoDB service
c) AWS Lambda service
d) AWS mapping service
03. You are using an elastic network interface (ENI) in AWS. Which two statements about ENIs are true?
(Choose two.)
a) You cannot detach a primary network interface from an instance.
b) You can move ENIs between availability zones and between instances.
c) You cannot move an ENI between availability zones.
d) When you move an ENI, you must configure a new MAC address.
04. Which two statements about Amazon Web Services (AWS) networking are correct?
(Choose two.)
a) Proxy Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) entries are disregarded.
b) Multiple 802.1q VLAN tags are allowed inside the same virtual private cloud (VPC).
c) AWS DNS reserves the first host IP address of each subnet.
d) Multicast traffic is not allowed.
05. The company CTO asks the administrator to protect company applications from failing in a single location in Amazon Web Services (AWS). Which product or service should the administrator implement?
a) Use AWS availability zones for fault tolerance.
b) Use AWS Lambda for fault tolerance.
c) Use AWS cluster protocols to deploy applications.
d) Use AWS virtual private cloud with multiple virtual machines.
06. An organization requires Fortinet recommendations to reduce their risk profile and remediate existing vulnerabilities. Which Fortinet consulting service can help?
a) JumpStart Consulting Service for FortiWeb
b) JumpStart Consulting Service for FortiGate
c) Network and Application Security Service
d) Cloud Security Posture Assessment
07. Which FortiGate Clustering Protocol (FGCP) feature do you use when deploying active-passive (A-P) high availability (HA) FortiGate devices in AWS?
a) Both unicast and multicast FGCP
b) Unicast FGCP
c) Multicast FGCP
d) Broadcast FGCP
08. In a subnet in an AWS virtual private cloud (VPC), what is the first available private IP address that you can assign to the network interface of a FortiGate device?
a) The fourth host IP address of the subnet.
b) The first host IP address of the subnet.
c) The second host IP address of the subnet.
d) The third host IP address of the subnet.
09. What does the shared responsibility model of cloud security mean for enterprises that are deploying applications in the cloud?
a) The cloud infrastructure provider secures the entire environment.
b) The cloud customer is responsible for securing their deployed networks, applications, and data.
c) The applications hosted in the cloud are shared with the entire internet.
d) The cloud customer is responsible for providing security for the entire environment.
10. A customer is running an application in their shared services virtual public cloud (VPC) and needs to control network access without using a third-party security device. How can they meet this requirement?
a) Run the application instance in a different VPC and connect through VPC peering.
b) Create a database user inside the application, only for users on the network.
c) Allow access only to networks that connect with the shared services network through a VPN.
d) Define a security group for the application instance that allows access from the allowed networks.


Question: 01

Answer: a, d

Question: 02

Answer: c

Question: 03

Answer: a, c

Question: 04

Answer: a, d

Question: 05

Answer: a

Question: 06

Answer: d

Question: 07

Answer: b

Question: 08

Answer: a

Question: 09

Answer: b

Question: 10

Answer: d

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