A great way to start the Fortinet Certified Solution Specialist - Security Operations (Advanced Analytics Architect) preparation is to begin by properly appreciating the role that syllabus and study guide play in the Fortinet FCSS_ADA_AR-6.7 certification exam. This study guide is an instrument to get you on the same page with Fortinet and understand the nature of the Fortinet Advanced Analytics Architect exam.
Our team of experts has composed this Fortinet FCSS_ADA_AR-6.7 exam preparation guide to provide the overview about Fortinet FCSS - Advanced Analytics 6.7 Architect exam, study material, sample questions, practice exam and ways to interpret the exam objectives to help you assess your readiness for the Fortinet Advanced Analytics Architect exam by identifying prerequisite areas of knowledge. We recommend you to refer the simulation questions and practice test listed in this guide to determine what type of questions will be asked and the level of difficulty that could be tested in the Fortinet Advanced Analytics Architect certification exam.
Fortinet FCSS_ADA_AR-6.7 Exam Overview:
Exam Name
Fortinet FCSS - Advanced Analytics 6.7 Architect |
Exam Number | FCSS_ADA_AR-6.7 Advanced Analytics Architect |
Exam Price | $400 USD |
Duration | 60 minutes |
Number of Questions | 35 |
Passing Score | Pass / Fail |
Recommended Training | Advanced Analytics |
Exam Registration | PEARSON VUE |
Sample Questions | Fortinet FCSS_ADA_AR-6.7 Sample Questions |
Practice Exam | Fortinet Certified Solution Specialist - Security Operations Practice Test |
Fortinet FCSS_ADA_AR-6.7 Exam Topics:
Section | Objectives |
Multi-Tenancy SOC Solution for MSSP |
- Describe multi-tenancy solutions for SOC environment
- Define and deploy collectors and agents - Install and manage FortiSIEM Windows and Linux agents |
FortiSIEM Rules and Analytics
- Explain FortiSIEM rule processing
- Construct FortiSIEM rules - Configure advanced nested queries and lookup tables |
FortiSIEM Baseline and UEBA |
- Explain FortiSIEM baseline and profile reports
- Construct FortiSIEM baseline rules - Explain UEBA on FortiSIEM |
Conditions and Remediation |
- Remediate incidents on FortiSIEM both manually and automatically
- Remediate incidents through FortiSOAR |
Fortinet Advanced Analytics Architect Exam Description:
The FCSS in Security Operations certification validates your ability to design, administer, monitor, and troubleshoot Fortinet security operations solutions. This curriculum covers security operations infrastructures using advanced Fortinet solutions.