H3C GB0-392 Certification Exam Sample Questions and Answers

Network Security Optimization Dumps, GB0-392 Dumps, H3C Network Security Optimization PDF, GB0-392 PDF, Network Security Optimization VCE, H3C Network Security Optimization Questions PDF, H3C Exam VCE, H3C GB0-392 VCE, Network Security Optimization Cheat SheetBefore you write the H3C Network Security Optimization (GB0-392) certification exam, you may have certain doubts in your mind regarding the pattern of the test, the types of questions asked in it, the difficulty level of the questions and time required to complete the questions. These H3C Certified Senior Engineer for Routing & Switching Plus (H3CSE-RS+) sample questions and demo exam help you in removing these doubts and prepare you to take the test.

The best approach to pass your H3C GB0-392 exam is to challenge and improve your knowledge. To test your learning and identify improvement areas with actual exam format, we suggest you practice with Premium H3C GB0-392 Certification Practice Exam. The practice test is one of the most important elements of your H3C Network Security Optimization (H3CSE-RS+) exam study strategy to discover your strengths and weaknesses, to improve your time management skills and to get an idea of the score you can expect.

H3C GB0-392 (H3CSE-RS+) Sample Questions:

01. What is incorrect about the description of L2TP VPN and SSL VPN?
(Choose one or more)
a) have no need to install, maintain client
b) All support lP access mode
c) are based on TCP package
d) Both support Web access
02. A company network through the corporate router RTA access port S0 / 0 is connected to the external network. In order to avoid congestion at the egress of the external network, the company hopes to limit the data traffic of various departments in the inbound direction of the RTA interface S0/0.
Which of the following technologies is appropriate?
a) GTS
b) WRR
c) LR
d) CAR
03. For the two upstream and downstream LSRs, for the label forwarding table of the same forwarding equivalence class, the correct description is _______.
a) the swim LSR the label value of the label value is the same as the downstream equipment
b) the swim LSR same outgoing label and the label value of the downstream equipment
c) the tour LSR same tag value into a tag value to downstream devices
d) the tour LSR same label value into the label value to downstream devices
04. To clear the secure tunnel established by ike, which of the following commands should be used?
a) reset ike sa
b) reset ipsec sa
c) reset ike tunnel
d) reset ike
05. In a VoIP network, which of the following factors are related to the bandwidth saved by VAD technology?
(Choose one or more)
a) selected by signaling type
b) said language and characteristics of the speaker
c) mesh network congestion degree
d) selected encoding type used
06. When the user uses the phone, after picking up the phone handle and inputting the called number, which of the following signaling does the ringing of the called phone belong to ______.
a) letter information signaling
b) Call call signaling
c) to address signaling
d) monitoring tube signaling
07. How does the PPP protocol identify the upper layer packets it carries as MPLS packets?
a) In the PPP head of the PPP Protocol field word segment to fill in 8847
b) In the PPP head of the PPP Protocol field word segment to fill in 0281
c) In the PPP Association meeting NCP negotiation is completed the peer negotiation phase
d) In the PPP Association meeting LCP negotiation is completed the peer negotiation phase
08. Which of the following statements about LR is incorrect is?
(Choose one or more)
a) It is an active traffic adjustment measure that limits the total rate of packets sent downstream from an interface
b) bits at the link layer, all packets outgoing from the interface can take effect (critical packets except packets)
c) Not valid for non- IP packets
d) so that the flow rate is measured using the token bucket algorithm, would exceed the committed rate of packets into the queue buffer again, it reduces the overall packet loss rate, smooth traffic, introduces additional delay.
09. A VoIP network using the H.323 protocol is interconnected with the PSTN network. Which of the following components must be included in the VoIP network to ensure that users can make local calls from the VoIP network?
a) Shou
b) terminating end
c) MCU
d) net off
10. Common VPI/VCI values in ADSL applications include ____.
(Choose one or more)
a) 0/35
b) 0/16
c) 0/32
d) 0/30


Question: 01

Answer: a, c, d

Question: 02

Answer: d

Question: 03

Answer: c

Question: 04

Answer: a

Question: 05

Answer: b, d

Question: 06

Answer: d

Question: 07

Answer: b

Question: 08

Answer: b, c

Question: 09

Answer: b, d

Question: 10

Answer: a, c

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