A great way to start the Hitachi Vantara Qualified Professional - Presales Data Operations Foundation preparation is to begin by properly appreciating the role that syllabus and study guide play in the Hitachi Vantara HQT-2924 certification exam. This study guide is an instrument to get you on the same page with Hitachi Vantara and understand the nature of the Hitachi Vantara Presales Data Operations Foundation exam.
Our team of experts has composed this Hitachi Vantara HQT-2924 exam preparation guide to provide the overview about Hitachi Vantara Presales Data Operations Foundation Professional exam, study material, sample questions, practice exam and ways to interpret the exam objectives to help you assess your readiness for the Hitachi Vantara Presales Data Operations Foundation exam by identifying prerequisite areas of knowledge. We recommend you to refer the simulation questions and practice test listed in this guide to determine what type of questions will be asked and the level of difficulty that could be tested in the Hitachi Vantara Presales Data Operations Foundation certification exam.
Hitachi Vantara HQT-2924 Exam Overview:
Exam Name
Presales Data Operations Foundation Professional |
Exam Number | HQT-2924 Presales Data Operations Foundation |
Exam Price | $75 USD |
Duration | 120 minutes |
Number of Questions | 35 |
Passing Score | 65% |
Recommended Training | Data Operations - Partner Presales Competency PXX4010S |
Exam Registration | Kryterion Webassessor |
Sample Questions | Hitachi Vantara HQT-2924 Sample Questions |
Practice Exam | Hitachi Vantara Qualified Professional - Presales Data Operations Foundation Practice Test |
Hitachi Vantara HQT-2924 Exam Topics:
Section | Objectives |
Pentaho+ Platform |
- Describe the "data fitness" challenges which are impeding many organizations in their quest to become data-driven.
- Describe the data management market opportunity. - Describe the Pentaho+ platform and the key use cases that it can address. |
Data operations and management in hybrid cloud | - Describe Hybrid Cloud data operations. |
Pentaho solutions |
- Describe terminology and concepts that relate to analytics and to the analytics data pipeline.
- Identify traditional analytics data pipeline components and describe the roles of data marts. - Identify big data analytics data pipeline components and describe the differences with traditional analytics data pipelines. - Identify the Big Data ecosystem components and describe their functions. - Describe how the Pentaho suite helps to address big data challenges. - Describe what is covered in each support package. - Identify the different license models. - Describe how to determine pricing. |
Selling Pentaho solutions
- Describe the Pentaho value proposition.
- Identify and qualify opportunities to sell Pentaho. - Describe the Pentaho solution components and top use cases. - Describe the benefits of Pentaho in 360 views, Automate data onboarding and Optimize Data Warehouse use cases. |
Hitachi Vantara Presales Data Operations Foundation Exam Description:
This test is designed for Hitachi Vantara partners who support the sales of Pentaho+ data management solutions. The test will validate that the successful candidate has technical understanding of the Pentaho+ portfolio especially of Pentaho Data Integration and Pentaho Analytics.