Juniper JN0-422 Certification Exam Sample Questions and Answers

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The best approach to pass your Juniper JN0-422 exam is to challenge and improve your knowledge. To test your learning and identify improvement areas with actual exam format, we suggest you practice with Premium Juniper JN0-422 Certification Practice Exam. The practice test is one of the most important elements of your Juniper Automation and DevOps Specialist (JNCIS-DevOps) exam study strategy to discover your strengths and weaknesses, to improve your time management skills and to get an idea of the score you can expect.

Juniper JN0-422 (JNCIS-DevOps) Sample Questions:

01. Which two statements are true regarding op scripts and event scripts?
(Choose two.)
a) Op scripts and event scripts can be executed remotely.
b) Op scripts and event scripts can be run interactively.
c) Op scripts and event scripts can use XML RPCs to run operational-mode commands.
d) Op scripts and event scripts can accept arguments.
02. You make a single change to a commit script and then commit the device configuration. The commit fails because there is an error in the script. You issue the "rollback 1" command, and commit again. You receive the same error. Why did you receive this error?
a) The script file needs to be renamed so that it is unique.
b) The Junos configuration was previously incorrect.
c) You need to issue a "rollback 0" command to load the last working configuration.
d) The configuration rollback does not revert the changes you made in the script.
03. You created a Python script that enables the ge-0/0/2 interface on R2. This script should only be executed when the ge-0/0/2 interface goes down on R1. In this scenario, how should this script be applied on R1?
a) The script should be applied as a commit script on R1.
b) The script should be applied as an op script on R1.
c) The script should be applied as an event script on R1.
d) The script should be applied as an event script on R1.
04. Your company is using OpenConfig to interact with all network equipment using customized YANG data models that are not natively supported on Junos devices. In this scenario, what is required for a Junos device to successfully use this customized data model?
a) A translation script must also be applied.
b) An operations script must also be applied.
c) An ephemeral DB must be established.
d) The Junos YANG module must be disabled.
05. Which agent process is used to execute processes as instructed by the Salt Master?
a) infra client
b) Minion
c) JSD
d) python
06. What is the default Linux server file path for a JSNAPY configuration file?
a) /home/"username"
b) /var/jsnaps
c) /etc/jsnapy
d) /etc/jsnapy/junos
07. On a QFX Series device, which command would invoke the on-box Python interpreter?
a) user@switch> python
b) user@switch> start shell % python
c) user@switch> start python
d) user@switch> start shell % start python
08. What is the correct syntax to open a PyEZ connection to a Junos device?
a) dev = Junos Device(device='')
b) dev = Device(device_ip='')
c) dev = JunosDevice(device_ip='')
d) dev = Device(host='')
09. You have a situation where a default ephemeral database, a user-defined ephemeral configuration database, and a static configuration database contain conflicting information. In this scenario, what is the correct order of precedence from highest to lowest?
a) candidate, default, user-defined
b) user-defined, default, static
c) default, user-defined, static
d) static, default, user-defined
10. By default, on which port does jsd listen?
a) TCP/32767
b) TCP/179
c) UDP/32767
d) UDP/830


Question: 01

Answer: c, d

Question: 02

Answer: d

Question: 03

Answer: c

Question: 04

Answer: a

Question: 05

Answer: b

Question: 06

Answer: c

Question: 07

Answer: b

Question: 08

Answer: d

Question: 09

Answer: b

Question: 10

Answer: a

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