Juniper JN0-649 Certification Exam Sample Questions and Answers

JNCIP Routing and Switching Dumps, JN0-649 Dumps, Juniper JNCIP-ENT PDF, JN0-649 PDF, JNCIP Routing and Switching VCE, Juniper JNCIP Routing and Switching Questions PDF, Juniper Exam VCE, Juniper JN0-649 VCE, JNCIP Routing and Switching Cheat SheetBefore you write the Juniper JNCIP Routing and Switching (JN0-649) certification exam, you may have certain doubts in your mind regarding the pattern of the test, the types of questions asked in it, the difficulty level of the questions and time required to complete the questions. These Juniper Networks Certified Professional Enterprise Routing and Switching (JNCIP-ENT) sample questions and demo exam help you in removing these doubts and prepare you to take the test.

The best approach to pass your Juniper JN0-649 exam is to challenge and improve your knowledge. To test your learning and identify improvement areas with actual exam format, we suggest you practice with Premium Juniper JN0-649 Certification Practice Exam. The practice test is one of the most important elements of your Juniper Enterprise Routing and Switching Professional (JNCIP-ENT) exam study strategy to discover your strengths and weaknesses, to improve your time management skills and to get an idea of the score you can expect.

Juniper JN0-649 (JNCIP-ENT) Sample Questions:

01. Which of the following is an application of MSDP in a multicast network?
a) To allow the advertisement of multicast sources between AS boundaries.
b) To encrypt multicast traffic between the sender and receivers.
c) To reduce the size of the multicast routing table.
d) To manage PIM-SM state information more effectively.
02. In Junos, what does the command 'set protocols bgp group IBGP type internal' accomplish?
a) It sets up an external BGP group.
b) It configures an iBGP group with internal peers.
c) It disables the BGP group.
d) It configures a redistribution policy for the BGP group.
03. How is MSDP used in conjunction with PIM-SM?
a) To exchange multicast source information between PIM-SM domains
b) To replace the need for an RP within a PIM-SM domain
c) To optimize the multicast routing table size
d) To enhance multicast traffic encryption
04. What is the purpose of the 'community' attribute in BGP?
a) To advertise the presence of a route reflector in the network.
b) To dictate the exact path a route should take through the internet.
c) To provide a way to mark routes for specific treatment.
d) To assign a local preference to a route.
05. For what purpose is the 'override-metric' used in an OSPF configuration on a Junos device?
a) To influence the OSPF route selection process.
b) To change the metric of OSPF routes during redistribution.
c) To set a fixed metric for all OSPF routes.
d) To modify the default metric for a specific OSPF interface.
06. When is it most appropriate to use BGP instead of an IGP like OSPF?
a) In small networks with limited numbers of routes.
b) When a network requires fast convergence times.
c) For inter-domain routing between autonomous systems.
d) Within an autonomous system with a single link between routers.
07. How does Junos handle BGP route advertisements from a neighbor that include the local AS in the AS_PATH?
a) It rejects the route by default.
b) It accepts the route and adds the local AS to the AS_PATH.
c) It replaces the received AS_PATH with the local AS.
d) It lowers the preference of the route.
08. When implementing BGP routing policy, which Junos policy-statement term action can be used to reject a route?
a) accept
b) next policy
c) reject
d) next term
09. For multicast traffic, what does the term 'scoping' refer to?
a) Prioritizing multicast traffic over unicast
b) Translating the multicast address to a unicast address
c) Expanding the multicast group membership to include all hosts
d) Limiting the reach of the multicast stream within the network
10. In a Junos device, which statement is correct for configuring a Level 1 IS-IS router?
a) set protocols isis interface ge-0/0/0.0 level 1
b) set protocols isis level 1 wide-metrics-only
c) set protocols isis level 2 wide-metrics-only
d) set protocols isis level 1 disable


Question: 01

Answer: a

Question: 02

Answer: b

Question: 03

Answer: a

Question: 04

Answer: c

Question: 05

Answer: d

Question: 06

Answer: c

Question: 07

Answer: a

Question: 08

Answer: c

Question: 09

Answer: d

Question: 10

Answer: a

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