A great way to start the Palo Alto Networks Certified Security Operations Generalist preparation is to begin by properly appreciating the role that syllabus and study guide play in the Palo Alto SecOps-Generalist certification exam. This study guide is an instrument to get you on the same page with Palo Alto and understand the nature of the Palo Alto SecOps-Generalist exam.
Our team of experts has composed this Palo Alto SecOps-Generalist exam preparation guide to provide the overview about Palo Alto Security Operations Generalist exam, study material, sample questions, practice exam and ways to interpret the exam objectives to help you assess your readiness for the Palo Alto SecOps-Generalist exam by identifying prerequisite areas of knowledge. We recommend you to refer the simulation questions and practice test listed in this guide to determine what type of questions will be asked and the level of difficulty that could be tested in the Palo Alto SecOps-Generalist certification exam.
Palo Alto SecOps-Generalist Exam Overview:
Exam Name
Security Operations Generalist |
Exam Number | SecOps-Generalist |
Exam Price | $200 USD |
Duration | 90 minutes |
Number of Questions | 60-75 |
Passing Score | 860/300 to 1000 |
Exam Registration | PEARSON VUE |
Sample Questions | Palo Alto SecOps-Generalist Sample Questions |
Practice Exam | Palo Alto Networks Certified Security Operations Generalist Practice Test |
Palo Alto SecOps-Generalist Exam Topics:
Section | Weight | Objectives |
Security Operations Fundamentals | 25% |
- Explain the function of users, roles, log management, compliance, and data protection in Cortex XDR
- Dierentiate between AI and machine learning (ML) in Security Operations |
Threat Intelligence and Incident Response | 16% |
- Identify and explain the steps of the NIST incident response plan - Explain the concept of incident management and response - Explain the role of threat intelligence in incident response - Explain the function of incident categorization and prioritization - Explain how le, IP address, domain, and URL indicator types are used in Cortex products - Compare and contrast WildFire, Unit 42 intelligence, and VirusTotal - Evaluate false positive, false negative, and true positive security incidents
- Conduct basic threat hunting based on a common indicator types
Cortex XDR | 23% |
- Identify and explain the use of key Cortex XDR elements
- Explain the process of agent management and deployment, including cloud workloads |
Cortex XSOAR | 16% |
- Explain the features and functionality of Cortex XSOAR
- Dierentiate between scripts and jobs in Cortex XSOAR |
Cortex XSIAM | 20% |
- Explain the function of key Cortex XSIAM components
- Explain Cortex XSIAM processes, capabilities, use cases, and rules
Palo Alto SecOps-Generalist Exam Description:
The Palo Alto Networks Certified Security Operations Generalist certification is designed to validate knowledge, understanding, and the job-ready skills required for basic application of the Palo Alto Networks Cortex portfolio of solutions and related technologies in a Security Operations Center (SOC).