A great way to start the H3C Certified Senior Engineer for Routing & Switching Plus (H3CSE-RS+) preparation is to begin by properly appreciating the role that syllabus and study guide play in the H3C GB0-392 certification exam. This study guide is an instrument to get you on the same page with H3C and understand the nature of the H3C Network Security Optimization exam.
Our team of experts has composed this H3C GB0-392 exam preparation guide to provide the overview about H3C Network Security Optimization exam, study material, sample questions, practice exam and ways to interpret the exam objectives to help you assess your readiness for the H3C H3CSE-RS+ exam by identifying prerequisite areas of knowledge. We recommend you to refer the simulation questions and practice test listed in this guide to determine what type of questions will be asked and the level of difficulty that could be tested in the H3C Network Security Optimization certification exam.
H3C GB0-392 Exam Overview:
Exam Name
Network Security Optimization |
Exam Number | GB0-392 H3CSE-RS+ |
Exam Price | $135 USD |
Duration | 60 minutes |
Number of Questions | 50 |
Passing Score | 600/1000 |
Recommended Training | Network Security Optimization |
Exam Registration | PROMETRIC |
Sample Questions | H3C GB0-392 Sample Questions |
Practice Exam | H3C Certified Senior Engineer for Routing & Switching Plus (H3CSE-RS+) Practice Test |
H3C GB0-392 Exam Topics:
Section | Weight |
Secure Optimized WAN Overview |
- Enterprise network model: IToIP, SOA-based network architecture, hierarchical network model, and H3C enterprise network architecture. - Remote network connection requirements: major technologies used in Network Security Optimization. |
Broadband Access Technologies | - Mainstream broadband access technologies: basic principles and configurations of IPoE, and key technologies and configurations of EPON. |
Conventional VPN Technologies |
- Basic concepts of VPN. - Principles and configurations of GRE VPN. - Principles and configurations of L2TP VPN. |
Secure VPN Technologies |
- Data security technology basics: basic concepts of data security, including encryption and decryption, integrity, and PKI. - IPSec VPN: architecture, basic principles, configurations, IPSec protection, and traditional VPN data technologies. - SSL VPN: system architecture and basic principles. |
- Basic principles of MPLS: concepts and terms, label distribution, and label switching. - BGP MPLS VPN: multi-VRF and MP-BGP, data forwarding process of BGP MPLS VPN, configurations, applications and basic troubleshooting, and the cross-domain technology of BGP MPLS VPN. |
Enhanced Network Security | - Main source of network threats, main concerns of constructing secure networks, and main technologies and management methods involved in constructing secure networks. |
Quality of Service (QoS) |
- Basic concepts and service models of QoS. - Basic principles and configurations of traffic policing, traffic shaping, congestion management, and congestion avoidance in the DiffServ service model. - Link validity enhancement technologies: basic principles and configuration methods of IP header compression, PPP payload compression, and LFI. |
VXLAN Technologies | - Principles and configurations of VXLAN. |
EVPN Technologies | - Principles and configurations of EVPN. |
H3C H3CSE-RS+ Exam Description:
H3C Certified Senior Engineer for Routing & Switching Plus (H3CSE-RS+) certificate demonstrates mastery of the full range of theoretical knowledge and operational skills required to deploy campus networks, including routing, switching, multicast, VPN, QoS, and basic security features, and competence in the construction and management of large- and medium-sized complex networks.